125 E. College Street, Covina, California
Council Chamber of City Hall



Members of the public may view the meeting live on the City’s website at or on local cable television, Spectrum Channel 29 and Frontier Channel 42. To view from the website, click here or scroll down on the home page and click "City Meetings", once on the page, click the highlighted word next to Video Library under the City Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes header. A live banner will appear at the start of the meeting.

Public Comments:
During the meeting, there will be an opportunity for the public to speak. Public testimony is limited to five (5) minutes per speaker, unless, for good cause, the Mayor/Chairperson amends the time limit; a speaker’s time may not be transferred to another speaker. State Law prohibits the Council/Agency/Authority Members from taking action on any item not on the agenda. Those wishing to speak on a LISTED AGENDA ITEM will be heard when that item is addressed.

In Person:
To address the Council/Agency/Authority please complete a yellow speaker request card located at the entrance of the Council Chamber and give it to the City Clerk. Your name will be called when it is your turn to speak.

Meeting Assistance Information: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you
need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or 626-384-5430. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.



Council/Agency/Authority Members: Walter Allen, III, Patricia Cortez, Hector Delgado, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Victor Linares, and Mayor/Chair John C. King

The public is invited to comment on Closed Session items only at this time. To address the Council/Agency/Authority please complete a yellow speaker request card located at the entrance and give it to the City Clerk. Your name will be called when it is your turn to speak. Individual speakers are limited to five minutes each, unless, for good cause, the Mayor/Chairperson amends the time limit.

The City Council/Successor Agency to the Covina Redevelopment Agency/Covina Public Financing Authority/Covina Housing Authority will adjourn to closed session for the following:

Update on negotiations with the various Employee Organizations:

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); Police Association of Covina (PAC); Police Management Group (PMG); and Police Supervisors of Covina (PSC), and Unrepresented Employees: Mid-Management, Supervisory and Professional, and Confidential and Technical Employees


Council/Agency/Authority Members: Walter Allen, III, Patricia Cortez, Hector Delgado, Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair Victor Linares, and Mayor/Chair John C. King

Led by Mayor Pro Tem Linares.

Given by Police Chaplain Steve Martinez.

To address the Council/Agency/Authority please complete a yellow speaker request card located at the entrance and give it to the City Clerk. Your name will be called when it is your turn to speak. Those wishing to speak on a LISTED AGENDA ITEM will be heard when that item is addressed. Those wishing to speak on an item NOT ON THE AGENDA will be heard at this time. State Law prohibits the Council/Agency/Authority Members from taking action on any item not on the agenda. Individual speakers are limited to five minutes each, unless, for good cause, the Mayor/Chairperson amends the time limit.

Council/Agency/Authority Members wishing to make any announcements of public interest or to request that specific items be added to future Council/Agency/Authority agendas may do so at this time.

The public is invited to comment on Consent Calendar items only at this time. To address the Council/Agency/Authority please complete a yellow speaker request card located at the entrance and give it to the City Clerk. Your name will be called when it is your turn to speak. Individual speakers are limited to five minutes each, unless, for good cause, the Mayor/Chairperson amends the time limit.

All matters listed under consent calendar are considered routine, and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the time the Council/Agency/Authority votes on them, unless a member of the Council/Agency/Authority requests a specific item be removed from the consent calendar for discussion.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    Adopt Resolution CC 2024-84 authorizing the City Manager to enter into the Transfer Agreement between Los Angeles County Flood Control District and City of Covina for the Safe, Clean Water Municipal Program.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $34,959.09 with TreeTop Products, LLC and purchase New Trash Receptacles for City Parks.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    Authorize the City Manager/Executive Director to execute the third amendment to the Ground Lease (“Lease”) between the City of Covina (“City”), as landlord, and the Covina Housing Authority (“Authority”), as tenant, in substantially the form attached as Attachment “B” with such changes therein as the City Manager/Executive Director may approve, and all related documents, and to take such actions as they deem necessary or proper to effectuate the purpose of the Lease.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    Approve the purchase of five (5) Dodge Durango and approve Resolution CC 2024-87 appropriating $73,624.01 for vehicle purchase and retrofit for the K-9 program.

  • Staff Recommendation:
    1. Approve plans and specifications for the Badillo Street Water Services Replacement Project;
    2. Award a contract for the Badillo Street Water Services Replacement Project to GRBCON, Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for a not-to-exceed amount of $379,581.20 and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract;
    3. Authorize a project contingency amount of $37,958.12 (approximately 10%) for any unforeseen construction expenses; and
    4. Award a Professional Services Agreement to Siterep Construction Services, Inc for Inspection Services for an amount not-to-exceed $25,200 and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract.
  • Staff Recommendation:

    Approve Agreement between Covina and Irwindale employees regarding cooperative dispatching services and Authorize the City Manager or his designee execute the agreement.

  • Staff Recommendation:
    1. Authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary contracts and documents with Siterep Construction Services, Inc. to perform remodel/expansion construction work at the existing City of Covina owned restaurant space located at 114 E. Italia Street;
    2. Adopt Resolution CC 2024-88 to amend the FY 2024-2025 Capital Improvement Program and Capital Improvement Program Budget appropriating $198,000 from available General Fund – Fund Balance to be transferred into the General CIP Fund for use towards the 114 E. Italia Street Restaurant Remodel/Expansion Project; and
    3. Authorize a project contingency amount of $33,000 (approximately 20%) for any unforeseen construction expenses.
  • Staff Recommendation:
    1. Authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $24,999 with Siterep Construction Services, Inc for demolition work related to the City owned property located at 114 E. Italia Street; and
    2. Adopt Resolution CC 2024-89 amending the 2024-2025 Capital Improvement Program Budget and appropriating $24,999 from available Measure CC – Fund Balance to be transferred into the General CIP Fund for use towards this project.
  • Staff Recommendation:

    That the City Council consider cancelling the regular scheduled City Council Meeting of October 1, 2024.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    Approve the City Council’s appointments to the Parks & Recreation Commission and Finance Advisory Commission.

  • Staff Recommendation:

    That the City Council will consider approving a resolution recognizing Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano.

  • Staff Recommendation:
    1. Nominate Covina Irrigating Company Board of Directors to Represent the City of Covina; and
    2. Designate the City Manager or his appointee to represent the City at the Annual Shareholder’s meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2024.

The Covina City Council/Successor Agency to the Covina Redevelopment Agency/Covina Public Financing Authority/Covina Housing Authority will adjourn to its next regular meeting of the Council/Agency/Authority scheduled for October 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. for closed session and at 7:30 p.m. for open session inside the Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 125 East College Street, Covina, California, 91723. 

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